OTRF Platinum Sponsors

Become a Platinum Sponsor and support critical research for the turfgrass industry.

The generous donations of our Platinum Sponsors, Association Partners, and Members assist OTRF by supporting vital research that benefits the turfgrass industry and the general public.

  • I would like to extend my gratitude to our Platinum Partners, and praise them for recognizing the long-term value of investing in turfgrass research. The commitment of all our partners has helped to ensure that the turfgrass research we fund is addressing the most pressing needs that are facing our industry’s key stakeholders.

    Alexander Dickie
    Alexander Dickie OTRF President (2019 - 2020)

What are the benefits of becoming a Platinum Sponsor?

The Annual OTRF Platinum Sponsorship designation provides your company with benefits that will help you deliver your company’s unique marketing message to a large group of highly-qualified buyers.

Benefits include:

  • Providing future generations with healthy green spaces to live, work, and play.
  • The opportunity to participate in a review panel that sets research priorities for future foundation funding.
  • Premium Gold-Level hole sponsorship at the Annual OTRF Golf Tournament, including exclusive signage and rights to display products.
  • Complimentary foursome in the Annual OTRF Golf Tournament.
  • Acknowledgement as a contributor to research in media publications and the OTRF website.
  • Use of the OTRF Annual Platinum Partner logo and phrasing in your own marketing material.
  • Logo representation on OTRF marketing materials, website, and in the e-newsletter.
  • One feature article per year in the OTRF e-newsletter.
  • Press release to announce the partnership.

Platinum Sponsorships require a minimum annual donation of $7500.

If you’re interested in a sponsorship opportunity with OTRF, but unable to contribute at the Platinum level, please contact the office for more information.

Platinum Sponsors


Aqua – Aid Solutions assists water management with surfactant products to hydrate and penetrate water repellent soils, manage localized dry spots, and move water through compacted soils. Custom innovations that solve turf challenges by improving soil and plant health.


Zander Sod Co. Limited provides quality turf, exceptional service, and great value. Offering exceptional turfgrass sod for golf courses, sports fields, landscapers, homeowners, and a variety of other projects.


Greenhorizons Sod Farms is one of the largest nursery-grown sod producers in Ontario, supplying top-quality sod and black garden soil directly to homeowners, golf courses, and sports playing fields.


Turf Care has been a leading provider of quality products and services to the golf course community and also provides superior products and services to municipalities, corporations, contractors, and dealers.

Become A Sponsor

Management of turfgrass in all sectors has evolved and continues to be faced with environmental, social, and urbanization challenges. Research is urgently needed in the development of management techniques, pest control alternatives, and new plant varieties adaptable in Ontario green spaces.

Become a sponsor to showcase your business to industry professionals on otrf.ca, increase your brand awareness with prospects that matter, gain insights from industry professionals, support the future of healthy green spaces & industry expertise, and attend members-only events.

Become a Platinum Sponsor today.

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